The Honorable Stuart Holliday
CEO, Meridian International Center
Ambassador Stuart Holliday is CEO of Meridian International Center, a leading non-partisan institution advancing global security and prosperity through effective leadership and diplomacy. Under his leadership, Meridian, founded in 1960, has emerged as an essential catalyst for collaboration between the government, the private sector, and the diplomatic community.
He served as United States Ambassador for Special Political Affairs at the United Nations (2003-2005) after the President's nomination and the Senate's confirmation. Holliday's primary duties involved representing the United States on issues in the U.N. Security Council. This included responsibility for U.S. policy on U.N. Peacekeeping, Sanctions, and Counterterrorism programs.
Before serving at the United Nations, Holliday was Coordinator (Assistant Secretary) of the U.S. State Department's Bureau of International Information Programs and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs.
From 2000 to 2001, he was Special Assistant to the President and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel at the White House. At the White House, he advised the President on appointments to the State Department, the Defense Department, the Veterans Department, FEMA, NASA, OPIC, Peace Corps, USAID, and Ambassadorships. Following the attacks of September 11, Holliday was tasked by the President's Chief of Staff to work with government agencies to staff the first Office of Homeland Security at the White House.
Holliday served on active and reserve duty as an Officer in the United States Navy (Intelligence) from 1988 until 1995 and was recalled to active duty for Operation Desert Storm. He is a recipient of the Joint Service Commendation Medal and other awards.
He obtained his B.S.F.S. (International Affairs) from Georgetown University and his M.A. (International Affairs and History) from the London School of Economics and Political Science.